Where do I begin?
Choosing the right candle is an important decision as you want to directly bring remedy, healing, and positivity to your space in addition to your mind, body and spirit. Here are a few things to consider when choosing the perfect set of candles:
Color- Color has been scientifically proven to have an impact on ones mood. Colors also have the power to affect one's health. It is important to choose colors that are in alignment with what you are aiming to heal or achieve in your space or what mood you are trying to invoke. Colors have specific vibrations and energy and when you set your intention in conjunction with the colors purpose, when you burn the candle the effects are potent.
white- peace, truth, purity
purple- spiritual awareness, tranquility, wisdom, connected to cerebral and nervous system.
blue-meditation, inspiration, happiness, calm, helps lower blood pressure, associated with smell sight and sound
green-abundance, fertility, health, success, growth renewal, good for lungs heart, circulatory system, balance
pink-self love, friendship, joy, reduces erratic behavior
yellow-confidence, creativity, action, clairvoyance, stimulates intelligence, detoxifies mind and body,
orange- joy, energy, stimulation, warmth, boosts immunity
red-love, vitality, courage, passion, alleviates depression
black-protection, repelling negative energy
Scent-Our olfactory sense (smell) is our strongest sense we have. Smells can invoke certain memories and take you back to places you have visited. Smell can influence your mood as well as affect work performance. With this in mind it is imperative to choose the sent that is going to elevate yourself mentally emotionally and spiritually as well as eradicate any negative energies or feelings.
sage- stress relief, reduces tiredness and chocolate cravings
orange-decreases anxiety, elevates mood
rosemary-enhances brainpower, boots energy, mentally stimulating, decreases fatigue
cinnamon- improves focus, reduces frustration, improves balance
lavender- great for relaxation, triggers the body's "rest and digest" response, decreases anxiety, insomnia and migraine pain
peppermint- stress reliever
jasmine- improves sleep, reduces anxiety, improves cognitive functioning
rose- improves dreams