The Science of Candlelight
/There is something deeply enchanting and mesmerizing about watching a candle burn. The flicker of the flame can be luring and hypnotic. It’s as if the flame does its own dance and you as the audience member watches in awe as the show proceeds. You are put in a deep meditative state by the flutter of the light. How can a flame be so enticing? How can you be put at ease just by gazing upon this flame?
Fire was discovered over 1 million years ago. This discovery allowed for humans during that time to extend their day, socialize, cook their food, receive warmth and to ward off predators or animals. Fire is and was an essential part of our daily living and survival. We use fire to keep us warm, to cook our food and to heat our homes. We are instinctually attracted to and appreciate fire for all the many things it gives us. Our positive response to fire is an evolutionary adaptation; we had a survival advantage by utilizing fire. So its no wonder that today even just lighting a candle ignites positive and relaxed feelings within us.
When we light a candle our ancient associations with fire are activated within our brains. This causes us to feel relaxed-physically, mentally and emotionally-It doesn't hurt that they smell amazing too! While aesthetic and scent is important-our love for candles goes beyond that-it is adaptive and biological.
Light a candle today and remember to give thanks for all those who came before us for their ingenuity for without them we would not be able to experience the gift of fire and flame.
May your path stay LIT!